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Posted By: Akshay Vazirani

According to Nielson, 92% of consumers are influenced to purchase based on a friend or relative, someone they trust. As the single most effective marketing tool, many companies attempt to put it at the center of their marketing mix, while others don't know where to start generating the buzz.

Businesses try to control the messages that are being spread to word of mouth through advertising, public relations, and their customer service practices.

For Business-to-Business companies, the best way to utilize effective WOM is by effectively managing relationships with prominent clients, big talkers online, and small business owners in your community.

Word of Mouth is effective when these talkers have something to say or share about your company. WOM campaigns are successful when they offer ways to get involved with your brand.

A few examples would be:

  • Guerilla marketing
  • Special web sites – all online efforts should direct customers to the company web site for immediate action and/or lead generation
  • Social Networking
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Marketing (SEM)
  • Cause marketing
  • Viral email campaigns
  • Online forums
  • Podcasts and webinars

Getting businesses to talk about your business usually starts with current clients and extended by getting involved with like industries on blogs, forums, and social media. Currently the Internet provides the largest opportunity for effective WOM marketing that wasn't available until the past decade.

This old school style of marketing shouldn't be forgotten. In fact, it should be the purpose of all of your marketing efforts.

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