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Posted By: Akshay Vazirani

The most recent "Pew Internet & American Life Project" report was recently released measuring social media use as of May. While online adults using social networking sites have grown 9% (from 61% to 72%), are you surprised to hear that U.S. adults now using Twitter has grown 10% (from 8% to 18%)?

Personally, I wasn't. However, the demographic using Twitter was shocking. Males and high-income earners have taken to twitter causing this large boost in the population roaming the 'Twittersphere'. On the other hand, women and low-income earners are more numerous in the social media user demographic in general.

In June, a study by the Harvard Business School found that Twitter has changed the previous social network user trend by being dominated by men.
According to the study:
1. Men have more followers than women
2. Men are almost twice as likely to follow other men than they are women
3. Women are also more likely to follow men

Some have observed that this is because of the short and to the point nature of Twitter posts. Women are more likely to post pictures and videos that start conversations and in turn, encourage more men as followers on other sites. On Twitter, social behavior almost goes the opposite direction.

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