DreamingCode B2B eCommerce Platform Company
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Posted By: Tripti Rijhwani

So you have decided it's time for a new website. There are many options to explore, and these all have implications around cost, level of technical expertise, time, and the type of website you need.

Using a managed service web platform offers several advantages over building a website on your own or using a web agency. Here are some reasons why a managed service web platform can be a better choice:

1. Ease of Use and No Setup: Managed service web platforms are designed to be simple, making it easy for individuals without extensive technical expertise to launch and manage a website. The setup process is streamlined, where the vendor provides upfront design and development support, so you don't need to do anything technical. They have reference designs, and should you need changes or unique designs, their platform can support this need. This means you can get your website up and running quickly without complex coding or configurations.

2. Cost-Effectiveness: Building a website from scratch or hiring a web agency can be costly. A managed service web platform typically offers various pricing plans, including free options with basic features and premium plans with more advanced functionalities. The overall cost is often more predictable and affordable than custom website development or agency fees.

3. Hosting and Maintenance Included: A managed service platform handles website hosting and maintenance for you. This means you don't need to worry about finding a separate hosting provider or dealing with technical aspects like server management, updates, and security. The platform handles all these tasks, ensuring your website remains secure and accessible to users.

4. Technical Support and Customer Service: With a managed service platform, you can access technical support and customer service to help you with any issues or questions. This support can be valuable, especially if you need a dedicated IT team to handle website-related problems. Quick and reliable assistance can save time and prevent potential disruptions to your website.

5. Regular Updates and Security Patches: Managed service platforms regularly update their software, plugins, and security measures to keep your website running smoothly and protect it from vulnerabilities. This proactive approach helps ensure your website remains secure and up-to-date without requiring constant manual intervention.

6. Scalability and Flexibility: Managed service platforms often offer a range of features and add-ons that allow you to scale your website as your business grows. Without extensive development work, you can easily add new pages, features, and functionalities. This flexibility ensures your website can adapt to changing business needs and requirements.

7. Pre-designed Templates: Managed service platforms typically provide a selection of professionally designed templates that you can customize to match your brand and style. These templates are optimized for responsiveness and user experience, saving you time and effort in creating a website from scratch.

8. Time-Saving: Using a managed service platform can significantly reduce the time it takes to build and launch a website. Since the platform handles many technical aspects, you can focus more on creating content, optimizing user experience, and growing your business.

9. Pre-Built Integrations - Prebuilt integrations for websites and ERP backends are essential because they offer numerous advantages that streamline development processes, enhance functionality, and improve overall efficiency. Developing custom integrations can be expensive, requiring additional resources and specialized expertise. Prebuilt integrations often come with affordable pricing models, making them a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.

While using a managed service web platform has advantages, it may only be suitable for some scenarios. Businesses with specific and complex requirements or those seeking highly unique designs might still prefer the level of customization and control that comes with building a website on their own or working with a web agency. Ultimately, the choice depends on your needs, budget, and technical expertise.

Dreaming Code is a partner who can drive your digital success. We provide an industry-leading platform to enable agile and flexible digital experiences. We also offer monthly content services to help you succeed at moving the performance of your digital solution. Our solution consultants are eager to support you to plan, build and scale your digital transformation. Schedule to meet us today!

To learn more about the Dreaming Code eCommerce platform visit: http://dreamingcode.com.


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