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Posted By: Michael Provvisionato

Everyone knows that ecommerce marketing is a game of numbers. Your company probably has a general formula for how many page visits result in sales for both organic and paid advertisements. Here are three vital ways to increase the number of website visitors become clients.

1. Your website should make an impact on the visitor.

People live fast paced lives nowadays and nobody wants to waste their time. Your website should be informative and provide the viewer with meaningful knowledge about your product or company values. People have a natural inclination to value knowledge and having an informative website will help differentiate your firm, products, and services. Potential customers will be more likely to remember your company, pick it over others, and ultimately flip to clients.

2. Make potential customers feel supported

A difficult or frustrating web experience is the number one reason that business is lost in ecommerce. No matter how self intuitive you believe your website is, every potential customer has different preferences and levels of technological skill. It is essential to offer easy to access, live customer support to help combat issues that customers might be having understanding certain aspects of products and services. Doing so significantly reduces the likelihood that customers will leave your company's website frustrated.

3. Customers should not have to jump through hoops to make purchases

A clean, easy checkout process is vital in presenting a professional brand image and flipping sales. A poor checkout experience frustrates customers, presents an unreliable brand image, and ultimately increases the number of abandoned checkout carts. Presenting free shipping in the checkout window is an excellent way to encourage purchases and has been proven more effective that significantly higher value discounts. Integrating numerous payment methods is essential in ensuring that all customers have a comfortable way to make purchases.

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